The Bohemian National Cemetery of Rich Valley Township is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization with a proud 150+ year history, whose mission is to provide a dignified, non-sectarian burial place for its members regardless of their ethnic background, religious affiliation or political beliefs.
The Bohemian National Cemetery (Ceský Národní Hrbitov) Association was organized in 1873 by the same group of men who started the Bohemian Reading and Educational Society (Cesky Ctenarsky V Zdelavajici Spolek), but was entirely separate from it. At that time the only cemeteries were church affiliated, and many of the pioneers having come here for religious freedom wanted a non-sectarian cemetery. John Kasper, Joseph Kadlec, and Joseph Mikulecky, trustees acting for the Association, bought two acres of land on a wooded hillside from Anton Nunvár (Nuwash) for $20.